jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013



The Lake District has been one of the most popular areas in Great Britain for many years. It is an area about 50 km long and 50 km wide in Cumbria, in Northwest Britain. It has got hills, valleys, rivers, villages, towns and beaches, and of course lakes - 16 large ones and many small ones.


Some famous artists have painted the beautiful scenary of the Lake District and many writers and poets have written about it. The famous poet William Wordsworth wrote a book about the district in 1810. Tourists often use Wordsworth's book when they visit this beautiful area.


There are many ways to see the lakes. You can walk or ride a bicycle along the 3000 kilometres of paths. Sailing and fishing on the rivers and lakes has always been popular, too. Whichever way you choose to tour the Lake District, you shouldn't miss this special part of England!